Affordable Housing & Graduate Support Services
Helping the families we serve not only succeed today but remain stable in their housing, finances and career paths tomorrow.
Homelessness has many causes and housing stability involves many solutions. ​
In collaboration with the City of Mobile, FPCA offers supportive transitional housing to three families at a time for 12 to 24 months. This partnership enhances the vitality of historic downtown neighborhoods while addressing families' fundamental needs at an affordable cost.

The cost for renting a typical two-bedroom apartment has risen 35% in less than ten years.

The answer is not just shelter.
Family Promise has developed and implemented other initiatives in addition to shelter and affordable housing , as well as work with other community partners to address various aspects of stabilization. Some initiatives find ways to match the strengths of local volunteers and the interests of local corporations with the needs of our guests, like financial literacy and mentoring. Similarly, many initiatives build off core tenets of the foundational shelter program itself, leading to efforts like food assistance, furniture and clothing donation, and health and wellness programs.​